Ayurvedic skincare secrets


Guduchi, scientifically identified as Tinospora cordifolia, holds significant importance in Ayurvedic medicine. It is part of the Menispermaceae family and has been utilized medicinally since ancient times, known by various names such as Giloy, Amrita, or Indian bitter. 

This creeper grows abundantly in dense and arid forests across India, enveloping small trees and bushes with its stem, roots, and leaves, all possessing medicinal properties. It serves as a crucial immunomodulator herb and serves as a foundational component in numerous Ayurvedic formulations. 

In Sanskrit, "Guduchi" translates to "a herb that protects the body from diseases," reflecting a Hindu myth praising Guduchi for granting celestial beings the gift of life and eternal youth. 


Termed as 'Amritavalli,' which translates to 'a creeper with heavenly nectar,' Ayurveda reveres Guduchi as 'Prana,' signifying its vigor and ability to thrive even from a small plant part. Charaka categorizes this herb as Medhya Rasayana, replenishing intellectual capabilities and memory power, and Vayasthapana, arresting aging. 


1. Taste (Rasa): Guduchi exhibits Kashaya (astringent), Katu (pungent), and Tikta (bitter) tastes.

2. Quality (Guna): It possesses Guru (heavy) and Snigdha (unctuous) qualities.

3. Potency (Virya): Guduchi has Ushna (hot potency).

4. Resultant Effect (Vipaka): After digestion, it yields Madhura Vipaka (sweet post-digestive effect).

5. Therapeutic Effect (Prabhav): Guduchi is recognized for its rejuvenative, immunomodulatory, and adaptogenic properties.

Its Tridoshic Rasayana properties effectively balance Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas.


1. Guduchi aids digestion, alleviating gas, bloating, and abdominal distension.

2. It regulates blood sugar levels, beneficial for managing diabetes.

3. The herb reduces body temperature during fevers and enhances overall immunity by eliminating toxins.

4. Guduchi possesses anti-inflammatory properties, providing relief from conditions like arthritis and gout.

5. It serves as a remedy for respiratory issues, clearing nasal congestion and soothing throat irritation.

6. Guduchi acts as a natural stress-reliever, helping to balance doshas and reduce symptoms of anxiety.

7. For skincare, it rejuvenates the skin, combating signs of aging and relieving itching from allergic conditions.

8. Guduchi supports liver function, particularly in treating jaundice and maintaining enzyme levels. It boosts glutathione (GSH) levels in the blood, aiding liver detoxification and waste removal from the body.

9. Its cognitive benefits include improving memory, concentration, and alertness, preserving brain health.

Art Of Vedas has skincare, body care, and haircare products made with 100% Ayurvedic ingredients. Check them out here.


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